Terms of Service

Financial questions

  • Payment method - PayPal only.

  • 50 % pre-payment before starting work.

  • No refunds for finished artwork.

  • Pre-payment may be refunded before completing 50% of work (If sketch/lineart were done, their price will be excluded from the refund).

  • Drastic changes/edits on stages post lineart will cost extra.

  • If you want your artwork sooner than intended - it'll cost extra.

Work process

  • I am not your friend, this relationship is pure business, any of my "friendliness" in messaging is just politeness, please don't get mixed signals.

  • I can reject the order for any reason and I'm not obligated to explain myself.

  • If I refuse working on the commission because of the health or other reasons after pre-payment - it will be refunded.

  • Please provide me as much information about your order as possible, this involves: description, photo/art reference, lore of described character/environment.

  • At the start of the work - I'll give an APPROXIMATE price, that may be changed by the end because of the outside factors.

  • While working - I will be sending progress reports on every stage of the work.

  • At the end client owns final product and not the "Work in Progress" material

  • I may publish created artwork, if you are against it - notify me in advance.

  • At the end I'll send the commission to you via email.

  • If final product is intended to be monetized - notify me. (this does not apply on thumbnail artwork).

  • If you're sharing your commissioned artwork with others online, please credit me.

If you have any questions - contact me, using information below.

Contact me here

Gmail - [email protected]
Discord tag - barbadroid